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Tania Pattison
Professional Editing and Proofreading
for Academic and Educational Materials
Specialist in English Language Teaching, Education, and Related Subjects
Ten years of freelancing
I've been working for myself for ten years. How has it been? At the end of 2012, I left a full-time university job that I once thought I...
Should I renew my Editors Canada membership?
The value of joining professional groups
Surviving a global pandemic
A year ago this week, I was in Havana, Cuba, training EAP teachers for the British Council. And a year ago this week, I realised that the...
The publication that changed my life
How editing IATEFL’s annual Conference Selections publication has changed my life
On hair and editing
How getting my hair cut made me think about my pricing structure
Thoughts on business cards
How I chose my business cards.
Do you need a life coach?
Life coach Rachael Roberts shows how working with an expert can help you.
Building an editing/proofreading business: things to read
Things to read when you're establishing your business
Writing a business plan
How I wrote a business plan for my editing business
Streamlining a freelance business
How I used Gay Hendricks' concept of zones to narrow down my hectic freelance career and focus on what I do (and love) best.
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